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La Endecharía


"La Endecharía" is a riff of the Dia De Los Muertos theme on the lid of this cigar box from Deadwood Cigars and loosely translates as "The Lament" - kinda fitting, all things considered.

The blood red of the box is accented with distressed gold and bronze hardware. The inside of the box is black and bare wood and resonator springs which peeks through the laser cut asymmetrical sound holes. A refurbished snake oil humbucker is wired through tone and volume controls before winding through to the Puretone output jack. The neck is hard maple, the fingerboard is rosewood, and a laser engraved purpleheart truss rod cover caps the headstock.

The tone is bright and buttery with a touch of bloom and a lot of sustain and decay. There's nice output from the pickup that pairs well with all my shop amps and I imagine it will do very well with any setup.

This three string guitar is strung with Ernie Ball strings gauged 46/36/26 and tuned to DAD.

Serial number 2501037, handcrafted in Las Cruces, New Mexico.